If you have been following some of my personal posts, then you might have heard me mention the twins before or M&M. Maddy and Michael are Hunter's good friends and the kiddos of my good friend Ashley. Ashley and I met close to ten years ago through a wedding networking event back when she was a wedding planner. She has now retired from wedding to be a stay at home mom and entrepreneur. Always the planner she texted me a few weeks inviting us for a playdate and mentioning she was doing a Valentine's Day background. She made it very clear no camera. This was a fun shoot, but what fun is it if I cannot bring my camera. Who are we kidding lol.
The kids were excited to see each other and had fun taking photo together. Both Ashley and I agree our favorite photo is the one of the boys screaming at the top of their lungs (you are welcome for no video lol) and Maddy covering her ears. Boys will be boys.
After our quick photo shoot we kids all got to sit down and paint a heart frame I had gotten each of them for the Valentine's Day gift. Nothing fancy, but a cute wooden frame to paint and then put a photo from the day in. I'm a big crafter, so it's nice to share that with someone. Thanks for the memories!