St James Forest Preserve in Winfield is one of my go to spots in winter for family photo sessions. The are areas of lush pines, white fences, a pond and of course the buildings. It's even more magical with snow!
For the Sylvester Family's last season of winter, it was a bit chillier than we would have liked. However, we knew the snow would be gone in a day or two so we needed to move quickly. They were all so tough! Poor little Lennon was definitely chilly, but even she warmed up a little to share a few of her adorable smiles. Duncan was chatting away the entire time and smiling more than I ever remember him smiling in previous sessions. I still cannot believe it's been four years already since we started the seasons. It never stops surprising me how fast time goes. I'm so happy we were able to capture these special moments with you all. Cannot wait to begin again!