When I stepped into Baby Maeve's nursery for the Ferguson's in home lifestyle baby session I was blown away by all the attention to detail and cuteness. The daisies on the wall brought a smile to my face immediately. It was just so sweet.
Little Maeve, who is not quite so little any more as she makes the switch into six month old clothes, was just adorable. She had the best facial expressions. At times I felt judged by her lol. We even joked about wondering what she was thinking.
At three months old she was very active. Her legs and arms rarely stopped moving. We read a book, did a little tummy time, spit up here and there, enjoyed the energy of her fur baby sisters and Maeve even rolled over for the first time! We had barely started tummy time when she all of a sudden flipped over, to her parents shock!
Congrats Sara and Brian! She is just adorable!!!!