Every time I see this handsome little guy he gets cuter and cuter! How that is possible I don't event know. Only six months and old Scotty is obsessed with Mickey Mouse. Whenever he hears the clubhouse song his face lights up and he is memorized (except of course when we are trying to make him smile for pictures). At 24.25 inches tall he enjoys playing with his feet in his free time as well as hearing stories read by Mom and Dad. Like most people, he is not a fan of being tired (boy does me make the best "grumpy old man" faces). However, I'm sure his dad will be happy to hear he is right on track to play hockey one day since he currently has zero teeth ;) Scotty doesn't know it yet, but he will be a die hard Blackhawks fan one day. He's already attended his first game!
Happy 1/2 Birthday Scotty!!!! Only six months old and you are already so very loved.