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My Joyful Things | Yeti's and Diet Pepsi

Being Joy Photography loves Yeti tumblers

Welcome to my series, My Joyful Things! This is the place to come if you want go beyond my about page and get to know me further. Today's topic is Yeti's and Diet Pepsi.

Until I got my first Yeti, I never really understood the hype. Then my sister-in-laws and I went to Disney to celebrate my 40th birthday and we got engraved yeti's for the pool. I was hooked! Not only was I hooked. I wanted more. It's all I drink out of these days. There are so many pretty colors I can't help but collect them. Currently I have seven (not pictured is my white one). I have my eye on a few more, like a red so I can use it at Christmas, Valentine's Day or the 4th of July. I like to match the holiday. Or there is a pretty lilac one I just saw too.

diet pepsi can with a yeti tumbler

Nine times out of ten what you will find in my Yeti is Diet Pepsi. Yes, I know it's horrible for me. However, it is my one guilty pleasure and only source of caffeine since I don't drink coffee. Eventually I will stop drinking soda again, but now my Yeti's are filled with Diet Pepsi. On wedding days I usually have a few cans of soda in the car for backup to get me through the day.

pouring diet pepsi into a yeti tumbler
Joy with her Yeti Tumbler collection

What can I say, I'm a fairly simple person who knows what she likes. The way to my heart is a cold can of Diet Pepsi in a Yeti! One time my brother gave me a few cans of Diet Pepsi for my birthday gift as a joke. Joke was on him, I was pretty excited lol.



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