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Senior Photos | Jenny

Wheaton Senior Photos | St James Farm

Last night's senior session was a little touch and go with weather (gotta love that Chicago unpredictability!), but it ended up working out in our favor. What a beautiful spring evening. Everything is finally beginning to color making St James Farm a lush background for Senior Photos.

I met Jenny, her Mom and her good friend Izzy at St James Farm for part one of her photos. We walked around laughing and talking musicals nonstop. After graduating from Metea Valley High School this spring Jenny will begin classes at Roosevelt University in the fall for their Chicago College of Performing Arts program. With a smile like that Jenny is meant to light up the stage! From a very young age Jenny has been pursuing musical theater. She loves training for all aspects of performing: dance, vocal lessons and acting. She is also participates in her school choir. She is currently auditioning for one of the two leads in the musical Chicago, her very favorite musical. Her dream role, Roxie Hart. When Jenny is not pursing her passion she is dressing up as Disney Princesses to put smiles on small children's faces (and a few dollars in her pocket). What a fun job!

After we finished exploring the farm we headed to downtown Wheaton for a few urban photos. Lisa, Jenny's Mom, made a stop along the way to purchase some pink balloons for a few final photos. The reason for balloons, "they are so Jenny".

Jenny, I had the most wonderful time with you for your senior photos. Your bright smile matches your big heart. Your bubbly personalty and carefree spirit are contagious. I wish you the best of luck as you continue to pursue your passion for Musical Theater. Keep that amazing smile on your face and your chin up high as you walk into auditions! I am sure they will witness how amazing you are just as I did in those few short minutes. Break a leg tomorrow for your call back! Hugs, Joy

St James Farm Senior Photo
St James Farm Senior Photo
St James Farm Senior Photo
St James Farm Senior Photo
St James Farm Senior Photo
St James Farm Senior Photo
St James Farm Senior Photo
St James Farm Senior Photo



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