Sticking with our Disney tradition, Hunter's third birthday party was Toy Story! Fun fact, it's actually not a favorite movie of mine. I only saw all the movies for the first time when I was showing them to Hunter. I just lost interest every time. Whenever we were at Disney Hunter always selected a small toy story toy as his pick. So that's how he go the theme for this third birthday party.
The weather was amazing and the kids all had lots of fun. All except maybe Hunter. They call it three-nager for a reason. Eek. He hadn't napped well and seemed tired, which of course made him crabby. Still, he loved playing with his friends and family.
Since the kids were all older, it was a little more structured this year. The kids played Woody's Rootin' Toonin' Shootin' when they arrived. And once everyone was there we started with musical dino feet to the song "You've Got A Friend In Me." After that was free play in the pool or bouncy. We had Toy Story Bingo ready to go too, but ran out of time.
I had so much fun planning decorations for this theme. I might have purchased a few too many Toy Story toys, but Hunter will get to play with them after so I was okay with it. Hamm, the piggy bank, sits in his room and he gets to put loose change in it every now and then.
At the end of the party we did our traditional pinata. Ever since I was a kid, my Mom has made my brothers and I a homemade pinata to do at our birthday parties. I love keeping that tradition going for Hunter. She also made sure I got a photo of Hunter with every person and their gift. Something we also did as a child. I have started my own tradition of having a photo spot to take all the guests photos at. You know that photographer in me can't pass that up. This year I made a buzz's rocket ship. Not gonna lie. I was pretty proud of it.
The one thing I have to work on is making sure I get photos of me. As a photographer, it's easy to get missed. Especially in the crazy of the day when I'm not only taking photos, but running the party with my Mom. Gonna work on that. Although, Daddy was missed in photos this year too. Oops.