If you have seen any of my personal posts or follow Instagram, then you might already know one of my favorite holidays is Halloween. Ironically it's not for the scary movies and haunted houses. I love dressing up and trick-or-treating. Even as an adult! No, I don't collect candy, but they do give out beers sometimes which my brothers always enjoy. I just like seeing all the kids dressed up in their cute costumes, running from door to door giggling with delight. It's also fun now to wear matching costumes with Hunter. And, true to form, we try to do a Disney theme each year.
Hunter's first Halloween. He was only three months old and there was no trick-or-treating anyway with Covid. I happened to already have the Pooh costume from previous years and had found this cute Tiger costume for him discounted from the previous season. Haris, refuses to dress up.
I also had a lot of fun with his Halloween outfits and cute Hello Bello diapers that were also Halloween themed.

Hunter's first time trick-or-treating. He had no idea what was going on, but enjoyed himself. He's such a social little guy. I think he just liked the people. For trick-or-treating in downtown Naperville with his cousins he wore his mummy outfit. For the actual day, he was Simba. I failed with finding a matching costume. I give myself grace though because this was the year photographers were photographing two wedding seasons in one. Things were crazy! I also stopped using my good camera after year one and went for the easy Iphone. Gonna have to change that in the future.

Once again I matched Hunter to a costume that I already had. Yup, I had a Minnie costume. It's at least twelve years old and I remember wearing it to Disney when my Dad and I went to the Halloween party. One little girl thought I was Minnie Mouse for real and asked to take a photo with me. So stinking cute!
Uncle Mike, while not shown in all the photos, always comes over to trick-or-treat with us. The cousins had now reached an age where they wanted to be with their friends, so it was just us. Haris usually works and cannot go. It's also the year of "storm drains". Hunter stood on every one.

Hunter has now become a hard core trick-or-treater. It was freezing this year and snowing at one point, but he stayed out later than most of the big kids. He also did not want anyone coming to the door with him after the first few houses. It was amusing watching people open the door in the dark to see a three year old standing there by himself.
I choose the Incredibles this year because all summer long Hunter would run around saying "fast like Dash". So of course he had to be Dash officially. That made me Mrs. Incredible. What you can't see under my brother's jacket is his Frozone hoodie I got him. He's not one for dressing up either, but at least he's a good sport about it. He's also not really a big Disney person. I know, mind blown!

Keep your eye out for dinosaurs....