Happy Birthday Shelter Dogs!!!!
When Ashley Radosav of Ashley Nicole Events, Inc first approached me about donating my services to photograph shelter dogs I immediately jumped on board. Having three adopted dogs of my own, I absolutely have a HUGE soft spot for our furry friends. All three of my girls had been found on the side of a road as pups. I got my oldest, Jasmine, from the Broken Arrow Animal Shelter in Oklahoma back in 2005. She was only 6 months old. Kate and Tara, my dynamic duo, came to us when my Mom, niece and I were staying at a cabin at Petit Jean State Park in Arkansas. We had randomly stopped at a farm to go horseback riding and the owners had found them along the road. Both only six weeks old, Tara was worse off than Kate. She was underweight and had some parasites. I honestly think it scared her for life because she's my timid little Tara. My girls mean the world to me. My life would not be the same without them.
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty, only 1 out of 10 dogs born will find a permanent home and approximately 2 million cats and dogs are killed annually due to shelter overpopulation. Most of the dogs abandoned do not come with paperwork so we will never know their actual birthday or their history. Most often, their story is too painful to know as they go through life alone, neglected and often abused. The National Shelter Dog Birthday has officially become August 1 giving these animals something to celebrate. Eventually, with education and awareness, we can find them a forever home.
Having a huge heart and an adopted dog as well, Ashley has a passion for helping the shelter dogs. She pulled together a team of extremely talented vendors and put together a Shelter Dog Birthday Party to not only help bring awareness, but also have a little fun! Oh boy, and fun did we have!!! I wanted to take all of them home at the end of the night. So many cute pups!!! I hope one day soon they will find there forever home <3

Talented Vendor Team
Planning/Decor: Ashley Nicole Events, Inc
Photography: Being Joy Photography
Videography: Newlywed Cinema
Rentals: Marque Event Rentals
Invitations and Day of Party Printing: Paper Love Club
T-Shirts: To The Rescue
Location & Doggies Sweets: Banana Split
Shelter Dogs: Aurora Animal Control & Care
#shelterdogs #AuroraAnimalControlCare #ashleynicoleevents #totherescue #doglover #dogs #dogbirthdayparty #dogicecream #dogbirthdaycake #ilovedogs #shelterdogbirthdayparty #dogphotography #dogphotographer #chicagodogs #bananasplitaurora #newlywedcinema #marequeeventrentals #paperloveclub #beingjoyphotography