Bryce and Carlee are HUGE Chicago fans. They travel north from Mississippi at least once a year to enjoy our beautiful city as well as take in a Cubs game, sometimes with their families and sometimes as a couple. This past trip happened to be as a couple because Bryce had something special in store. He had decided during their last trip to Chicago the previous year, that he would propose to Carlee in Chicago on North Ave Beach.
A few months back he had reached out in regards to Proposal Photography. I was STOKED!!! Proposals are amazing!!! I LOVE that more and more people are now photographing those moments too. We emailed back and forth working out the details. He sent me some photos of them so I knew who I was watching out for and I let him know the plan as to wear he should stop as well as where I would be "hiding".
Seeing as it is Chicago, you never know what the weather is going to be like. As the big day drew closer the weather changed hourly from rain to no rain back to rain. At one point we even switched the proposal to Friday instead of Thursday, but once again the weather changed back, so Thursday ended up being the magical day.
As Bryce and Carlee walked along Lake Michigan from their hotel Bryce texted me updates along the way. When the time finally came and he dropped to one knee Carlee was shocked. She had know idea!! WHOO HOO!!!
After they had their moment together and I officially introduced myself, we did a mini engagement shoot so that they had some more special photos to remember the moment and Chicago. The city they adore.
Congrats Bryce and Carlee!! I had so much fun hanging with you two. Thanks for allowing me to capture that amazing moment. I wish you both love, laughter and more Cubbie wins for the years to come!!!

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