For their engagement session Adam and Michelle selected downtown Batavia. It was a special area for both of them. Adam and Michelle met at a get together that was hosted by a mutual friend. Michelle was there with her sister and cousin, and Adam was there with a large group of friends. We all headed to downtown Batavia for their Windmill City Festival. Later they went to a bar where the couple began chatting. They planned their first date that very night!
Since Michelle is a school teacher, we took their photos on President's Day. It was early in the evening and not too many people were around. We strolled down the paved brick street ducking into hidden alleys and nooks. You never know where some fun photo moments will strike! It had just snowed days before so we made sure to find what was left to add to our winter look. Finally we ended up on the Fox River. Yes, ON! There was three small plowed areas on the ice for skating so we climbed on and had a little fun of our own, no skates required!
Congratulations Michelle and Adam! You two are so sweet and fun to be around. I cannot wait to hang out with you again on your wedding day!!!

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