I will say it again and again, update your family photos! There are so many ways to update your family photos without breaking the bank. Although, I personally don't think a price tag can be put on family photos. What's that popular commercial that always end in priceless?!? Well, here's another example for you!
I love when families update their photos from year to year. Especially when they have little ones growing up. So much changes from year to year. And, if you are on a budget, instead of doing a full portrait session, book a mini session. At least then you are still getting new photos for a fraction of the cost.
Okay, I'll get off my soap box.
Meet the Schloemer family! This was the first time I got to meet this sweet family and I hope it's not the last. They are awesome! It was overcast with drizzles on and off, but they trusted me and we made it work. When we could we jumped out of our small covering to get some nice fall photos and when it was raining I stood under an umbrella with the help from my Mom (thanks Mom!) while they stayed dry under the structure.
Thanks for trusting me Schloemer Family!!!! Looking forward to working with you all again soon!!!

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