I can't believe how fast time flies! It seems like just yesterday I was meeting this little cutie pie for the first time. Now he's a professional model lol. I have loved having SJ in my studio every single time! Such a happy little guy.
Originally we had planned on doing his eighteen month photos at St James Farm in Warrenville, but the weather was just to darn cold. GRR. Instead, we enjoyed our time together in the studio. SJ is now at that age where he likes to walk and explore, so not only was the bed the perfect backdrop, it also kept him contained to a small space. Much easier to photograph him that way! To take advantage of all this gorgeous snow (it has to be good for something, right?!?) we did step outside for five minutes to grab a few photos.
Pretty soon it won't be just SJ in the photos anymore. The next time I see him will be for his Mama's maternity photos! SJ is going to be a big brother!!! And what a great big brother I am sure he will be!!!